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Statement From Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt On Conclusion of 2023 Legislative Session

In the final days of the legislative session, Democrats in Albany demonstrated to New Yorkers exactly why One-Party Rule doesn’t work, and how out of touch they truly are. Instead of taking steps to address the most important issues facing New Yorkers, Albany Democrats spent the final days of session passing more pro-criminal legislation that will seal criminals’ records, including many violent offenders. They did nothing to address the migrant crisis facing our communities – instead they doubled down on policies to encourage our reputation as a “sanctuary” state.

Instead of addressing the affordability crisis facing millions of hardworking New Yorkers and small businesses, they dramatically increased spending, approved new taxes and passed burdensome, top-down mandates that make it more expensive to live and run a business. As millions of New Yorkers continue to leave the state, Albany Democrats prioritized an unworkable and divisive commission to make reparation recommendations that are sure to be unrealistic, unattainable and outrageously expensive.

And in a blatantly hypocritical attempt to secure One-Party rule at all levels of government, they rushed through unconstitutional legislation to effectively cancel local elections and to change the public campaign finance program to put potential challengers at a disadvantage, and put more money in their own pockets.

At the outset of this session, my colleagues in the Senate Republican Conference put forward a comprehensive Rescue New York agenda to address the real issues facing New Yorkers. While Albany Democrats are content to leave Albany without taking any real action to make New York safer or more affordable, we will continue to fight for a safer, stronger, more affordable and more free New York State.


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