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Senate Republicans Unveil “A New Hope For The Empire State” 2024 Legislative Agenda

A plan to increase affordability, improve public safety, and build a greater New York.

Albany, New York - The New York State Senate Republican Conference today unveiled “A New Hope For The Empire State,” their legislative agenda for 2024. The agenda prioritizes the issues that affect everyday New Yorkers, but have been neglected by the radical left politicians who control Albany. 

Extreme policies pursued under one-party rule have directly caused a decline in New Yorkers’ quality of life. Over the course of the past several years, we’ve seen destructive policies passed by radical Democrats that have pushed New York to its brink. 

Sanctuary state policies have only increased the inflow of migrants, impacting local government services at the detriment of residents who already live here. The recent rise in antisemitic rhetoric coming from DSA radicals at all levels of government has stoked divisions within our communities. Places of higher learning have become breeding grounds for the antisemitic bullying we see occurring on college campuses throughout the country. Throughout the holiday season, we witnessed protests disrupting the Thanksgiving Day parade, the New York City tree lighting, the New Years Eve ball drop, travel at airports and more. 

Our law enforcement community has their hands tied because of policies that prioritize criminals. The complete disregard for society is flat out appalling. We need sound minded people and a sound minded plan to bring New York back to what it once was.

“New Yorkers are deeply dissatisfied with the direction of our state and our Conference is here to provide an alternative path forward. I have traveled throughout the state and people are tired, frustrated and angry. They feel forgotten. Over the course of the year we have seen crimes and costs rise. Antisemitism is infiltrating our schools and communities and has become the norm. The migrant crisis has only gotten worse because New York City politicians continue to push their feel good policies, but it is these radical policies that are driving New Yorkers out. As the Leader of this conference, I will not take a back seat to the progressive agenda destroying our state. Our Republican Conference will fight to give hope to those New Yorkers who feel they have no alternative but to leave our state. Our common sense agenda provides solutions to build a greater New York for future generations,” said Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt.

“Ask any New Yorker, and they will tell you their quality of life has deteriorated over the last few years because of leftist policies enacted by New York Democrats.   Their policies are so out of touch with reality that New Yorkers from every region are fleeing to other states that are safer, affordable and free.  Our policy agenda will reverse this downward spiral and bring common sense to New York’s government and put it back in the hands of our citizens where it belongs,” said Senate Deputy Republican Leader Andrew Lanza. 

“New Yorkers are all longing for accountability from our state government and searching for signs of hope that things will get better. Antisemitism, in particular, is running rampant not only on our streets, but also on our college campuses. Now more than ever, we owe it to our Jewish communities to ensure their safety. The lack of affordability and public safety continue to be problems impacting taxpayers, and it is because of these significant quality-of-life issues that New Yorkers feel forced to flee to other states. Our conference stands ready to advance an agenda that will bring our state back from the disaster that extreme policymaking has wrought upon us,” said Senator Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, SD 9th.

“Since 2020, more people have left New York than live in Vermont. People are leaving because they’re tired and fed up with the direction our state is going. In poll after poll, people are telling us that there's too much crime and that it's too expensive to live here. The governor is ignoring these serious concerns and continues to push an agenda that’s out of step with the priorities of middle class families across the state. Our Senate Republican agenda is solely focused on solving quality of life problems because we hear you and we work for you. It's that simple,” said Senator Jake Ashby, SD 43rd.

“A New Hope For The Empire State” is a comprehensive legislative agenda for 2024 outlining a plan to fight for New Yorkers who are tired of the radical left legislature controlling Albany. This agenda prioritizes increasing affordability, improves public safety, and builds a greater New York:

  •  Increasing Affordability 

  • Reigning in out of control spending: enact a spending cap, rejecting tax increases and unfunded mandates, and providing tax relief for all New Yorkers;

  • Taking action to help all New Yorkers struggling to make ends meet by rejecting extreme climate proposals, incentivizing new housing construction to deal with the housing shortage, and making child care more accessible and affordable; and

  • Improving the state’s business climate by protecting small businesses and farms by reducing regulations and unfair costs.

  • Improving Public Safety

  • Protecting New Yorkers from antisemitism and other hateful violence by making any antisemitic behavior a hate crime, making all hate crimes bail eligible, protecting hate crime victims and houses of worship, and implementing financial penalties on both college universities and students who condone or engage in antisemitic behavior while receiving state aid;

  • Rejecting efforts to continue New York a sanctuary state status;

  • Reversing failed criminal justice policies that have made our communities less safe, including bail reform, discovery reform, and others; 

  • Rejecting policies that put criminals above victims and law-abiding New Yorkers; and

  • Providing more services and funding to address mental health crisis and substance abuse disorders.

  • Building a Greater New York

  • Closing the pandemic learning gap,  expanding school choice, and further investing in vocational education and workforce development;

  • Providing support to our veterans to reacclimate and find educational and career opportunities; and

  • Investing in and strengthening our infrastructure to encourage growth.  

“It is clear New Yorkers are unhappy. Our plan offers a vision to correct that and bring New York back as a desirable place to live. As we head into a new legislative session, we will outline common-sense solutions to address these issues and improve the quality of life of every New Yorker,” concluded Senator Ortt. 

More details of the New York State Senate Republicans’ “A New Hope for the Empire State” 2024 legislative agenda will be unveiled in the coming weeks. To read more,  click here.



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